NTCreature Online Game
Game Info
Played: 1,194 times
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NTCreature online flash game features eye catching flash graphics and animation and beatiful sound score. It features sound and background music so be aware of that when you launch the game, keep your speakers at low volume if you're at office, especially if you have other people around you.
以怪兽进化为主题的新颖塔防游戏, 考验您策略,养成,预判等能力, 当前为先行版本,星灵,尸族等多个种族稍后将会与大家见面,敬请期待! 基本操作(记得关闭输入法): W,S,A,D控�
To start playing click the "Play Now" button bellow! Enjoy!
Game Info
Played: 1,194 times
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